Eminence Limited Edition Anti-Blemish Kit

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Price: $89.00

Sale Price: $75.00

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Prod. Code: Eminence Limited Edition Anti-Blemish Kit

Anti-Blemish Kit

Description: Typical acne medications are harsh over-the-counter lotions that contain harsh chemicals as their active ingredient. Eminence believes that Mother Nature has a better cure and that's why we are introducing our Anti Blemish tube of natural acne fighting products. This kit contains five luscious fruit, vegetable and herbal skin care products with natural ingredients grown in Hungary to regulate and calm skin while returning a beautiful glow.

Box Includes:

Mineral Cleansing Concentrate
Pear & Poppy Seed Microderm Polisher
Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment
Tomato Oil-Free Gel
Herbal Spot Serum (full retail size)