Eminence Sweet Red Rose Moisturizer

Price: $79.00

Sale Price: $69.00

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Prod. Code: Emi Sweet Red Rose Moist

A soothing and regenerating moisturizer with sweet red rose petals for sensitive, sun damaged, irritated or mature skin types. This high-performance cream assists in the prevention of eczema-type inflammations and reduces skin irritations while it regenerates the epidermis and increases the skin's ability to retain moisture. Packaged in 2 oz./ 60 ml jar.


A soothing and regenerating moisturizer with sweet red rose petals

TEXTURE cream:

FOR USE WITH: sensitive, sun damaged. irritated or mature skin types


· Soothes and reduces irritated areas of skin

· Assists in preventing eczema-type inflammation of skin

· Assists in regenerating epidermis

· Supplies necessary bioflavonoids, sugars, and acids to skin

· Increases skin’s ability to retain moisture

· Deeply moisturizes and nourishes epidermis


· Sweet red rose petals— moisturizing, rejuvenating and nourishing agent

· Sweet red rose oil — enriches, nourishes and protects skin

· Lemon juice — assists in toning and reducing visible signs of aging

· Pectin — enriches, nourishes and moisturizes skin


· Visible signs of aging are reduced

· Irritation in skin is reduced

· Pore size is reduced

· Smoother, softer and firmer complexion