The Far Infared Sauna @ ESSpa Kozmetika
Pittsburgh's Best Spa now offers free use of its FIR far infared detoxifying sauna

ESSpa Kozmetika is pleased to announce that our newly remodeled Detox & Relax Room is ready and available for the enjoyment of our guests. This inviting space is fitted with the latest amenities including a Signature 3-person Saunatec Sauna equipped with the latest CarbonFLEX far infared emitters made with organic carbon, a digital radio/cd/mp3 player with ipod input and our exclusive RAINshower with multiple deluge showerheads. The great thing about our Detox & Relax Room is that guests can enjoy its use free of charge with any sameday spa treatment. So plan on spending a little more time with us before or after your next treatment to realize the full benefits of what ESSpa Kozmetika has to offer.
For your convenience, we have including the following information to better help you understand the benefits of our Detox & Relax Room with the Organic Carbon FIR Sauna System.
How the sauna works:
Infrared saunas produce radiant heat, which is the same as the heat from the sun (minus the harmful ultraviolet rays). The infrared sauna creates infrared waves that heat your body directly rather than just the air around you. Oppose to traditional saunas, infrared heat at a maximum of 150 degrees (traditional often heat to 200 degrees). Your body will sweat as much as a traditional sauna but you’ll be able to comfortably stay in longer than you can tolerate in a traditional sauna which will cause more sweating. The infrared waves penetrate your body 1-1/2 to 2 inches deep. Deeper penetration of the heat allows a greater removal of toxins (alcohol, nicotine and metals). Whereas, traditional saunas cause you to sweat they don’t penetrate deep into your skin. The release of toxins in a traditional sauna is 3%, compared to 20% in an infrared. A traditional sauna can be claustrophobic, humid and usually can’t be tolerated for long periods. Infrared because it penetrates your skin, instead of the air around you being heated are much more comfortable and can be tolerated longer which will allow the full sauna benefit(s). A fresh air vent in the top of the sauna also allows for fresh (oxygen-rich) air in to the sauna which can be transported to your muscles/organs.
Benefits of the INFRARED Sauna Include:
Infrared saunas in short sooth away aches and pains; increase your metabolism, improve blood circulation, loosen your muscles and help give you clear and healthy skin. If you feel you don’t need any of that the warmth of the sauna can decrease mental fatigue, fade away tension and leave your body and soul refreshed.
1. Increased Circulation & Energy - Infrared penetrates and invigorates cells, increases blood circulation.
2. Cardiovascular Workout - Increases heart rate and blood circulation, which is crucial to maintaining your health. Your heart rate increases and more blood flow is diverted from inner organs towards your skin (without increasing your blood pressure).
3. Weight Loss - Infrared aids in weight loss by increasing the metabolism, which will aid in burning calories*
4. Speedy Recovery from Injuries - Heat stimulates bringing oxygen to the joints and extremities, speeding the healing of sprains; which can reduce pain and possibly the time it takes to recover from an injury. Can also relieve strain/pain from minor car accidents, sport strains, etc.
5. Detoxification - While increasing your metabolism, this causes extra toxins to be purged from the body through the skin while sweating.
6. Skin benefits - With the increased blood circulation, more nutrients are carried to the skin which will create a better tone, texture and healthy glow. Would be a great “pre-facial” treatment.
7. Stress Reduction & Relaxing - Because the infrared waves penetrate 1-1/2 to 2 inches, the muscles become more loose, which will allow you to relax more. Done before a massage will increase the benefits of the massage.
8. Immune System Boost
a. Infrared waves strengthens the immune system by stimulating the white blood cells.
b. When you have a fever and your temperature increases, your immune system increases which weakens the bacteria growth and increases your white blood cells. A fever is a natural response to healing (once your fever breaks you feel better and get well. If you feel a cold/flu coming on, the infrared sauna can help stop or shorten the effects.
Temperature Settings
Our Sauna has a full set of controls on both the exterior and interior of the unit. Temperatures should never exceed 150 degrees. Beginners may want to start at 120 degrees until they know how they will react in the sauna. Our Sauna does not go higher than 150 degrees Farenheit.
Begin use of your sauna with moderation. Don't go cranking the dial up to "nuclear" until you've gotten used to how it affects you! Use common sense as to what feels comfortable. Typically, stay in the sauna for 15 minutes, especially for beginners. Once your body becomes accustomed to the sauna experience thirty (30) minutes can be done. Some find it helpful to stay in for fifteen (15) minutes; step out and cool off, then return to the sauna for another "inning." Don't overdo it. Set the temperature level to your comfort level. If you begin to feel uncomfortable, leave the sauna and cool off. The sauna can also be turned off from the inside by the client and the door opened to cool off, if they are feeling sleepy and/or dizzy.
Wear robe, facial wrap or towel. NO shoes. Remove ALL jewelry which can heat up while in the sauna. Always sit on clean towel.
Remove jewelry - rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, etc.
If the sauna is a pre-treatment to a facial and/or massage, nothing should be done but go directly to that treatment while the pores are still open. If the sauna is the treatment, the client can take a shower to clean and remove toxins. The shower should be tepid and cooler (as they can tolerate) to rinse. Being in the heat for 15 (plus) minutes it’s probably best to use moisturizer on their hair in the shower or recommend they do this at home, if they don’t have time. DRINK LOTS OF WATER! And Avoid alcohol and sparkling/carbonated beverages.
Consult your physician if you have a history of heart problems, high blood pressure or other health problems. Infrared saunas are safe when used correctly. Clients should always be told to leave the sauna immediately if they feel uncomfortable, dizzy or sleepy. Staying in a sauna too long can lead to overheating (of the body) and in extreme cases death. Children under ten (10), the very elderly or anyone that has been drinking alcohol should NOT use a sauna. Anyone that has a serious health condition or chronic health problem should consult their doctor BEFORE using any sauna. In particular, those with Adrenal problems, Lupus, MS, any disease that
impairs sweating and those that are pregnant. Hemophiliacs should definitely avoid infrared. Stay out of the sauna if you have an enclosed infection, or a recent joint injury that remains hot
and inflamed. Don't use the sauna if you're running a fever. Also, infrared may increase menstrual flow if used during a woman's period. If you have cardiovascular illness or conditions - hypertension or hypotension, congestive heart failure, impaired coronary circulation - or take medication which might affect blood pressure, consult with a physician before use. Heat stress can increase cardiac blood flow and your pulse in ways that may not be good for you. Metal pins, rods and artificial joints and other surgical implants generally reflect infrared rays and pose no danger. Make sure your doctor agrees! Stop use if you feel pain near any of these implants. If you use a pacemaker, check with your doc before use. Silicone does absorb infrared, though it typically doesn't melt at less than 200 degrees Celsius and should not pose a problem. Again: Make sure your doc agrees! Diuretics, barbiturates and betablockers can effect your body's inherent heat loss mechanisms. Even some over the counter drugs, like antihistamines, may make a person more prone to heat stroke. Of course, if any illness or condition worsens with infrared, use of your sauna should be discontinued.
Yellow - can make you feel jumpy, spontaneous, optimistic or high spirited.
Blue - may calm you down, get you flowing and feeling confident.
Red - could activate you to get up and at something, give the urge with a need for achievement, help you to be vital and forceful.
Green - will help balance you, gives you a feeling of coordination and that everything is just as it should be.
Purple/Violet - will tend to have a sleepy or dreamy effect on you, putting you in another world reality of either magic or beauty. They also give you a feeling of worthiness.
White - shocks into wakefulness and alertness. It engenders honesty ad clarity. It demands a lot of you.
Infrared saunas can help you lose weight. The infrared heat that penetrates the body helps break down fat and water particles stored in pockets underneath the skin. Also, some weight loss experts believe that the body utilizes fat to dilute toxins, and infrared saunas are perfect for removing toxins. An average person can burn up to 600 calories in a half hour session using these spas. Compare this to the calorie consumption of a 150 pound individual doing these various activities for 30 minutes:
Rowing (peak effort): 600 calories
Marathon running: 593 calories
Vigorous Racquet Ball: 510
Swimming (crawl stroke): 300
Jogging: 300
Tennis (fast game): 265
Chopping Wood: 265
Cycling (10mph): 225
Golfing (without a cart): 150
Walking (3.5mph): 150