Inspired Entrepreneurs by Eva Kerschbaumer
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“I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”
- Helen Keller
The above is the quote Eva Kerschbaumer, author, decided to share with her readers as it perfectly sums up her personality. Inspired Entrepreneurs is a collection of stories about regular women who felt trapped in their careers. Each of the Authors dared to step out in courage to follow their passions, and have ventured to change the world. Read their stories, share their inspirations, and dare to join them yourself by recognizing your gift, your purpose, your passion, and your future triumph.
Author’s Biography
Eva Kerschbaumer grew up in the Hungarian countryside. The town she lived in until the age of 12 is considered a secret as Eva's father was the Warden of a Soviet-era prison city. She is the daughter of Janos and Eva Sztupka. After the fall of Communism, Eva moved to Budapest and trained as a watch-maker. She became nationally known throughout Hungary as a cover model as well as a skincare & makeup expert. Eva is the first person in her family to emigrate to America. She came to America in 1996 and through sheer determination found her way to Pittsburgh where she eventually met the man who would eventually become her husband. They married in 1999 and Eva opened ESSpa Kozmetika Organic Spa & Skincare in 2002 with a staff of 2 working out of 3 rooms. 8 years of constant growth has seen Eva relocate her business 4 times culminating in her restoration of the Historic, 98 year-old Humes Ford Building into a nationally recognized, award-winning establishment. 2010 is a year of firsts for Eva with her appointment to the Editorial Board of DAYSPA Magazine and publication of Inspired Entrepreneurs.
Book Reviews
“Inspired Entrepreneurs is that rare inspirational book that truly does inspire with remarkable stories of female persistence, courage, optimism, and ingenuity – and also it is fun to read. My inspired advice to you is BUY IT.”
– Charles Gaines, Best selling author of Pumping Iron; A Family place and 22 other books
“This is a superb book where successful women share their inspirational stories of victory. The women in this book are proof that if you use your gifts and want to make a difference, you can. If you want to WIN in business and life buy this book!!”
– Dr. Kevin Elko, Author of Touchdown; Nerves of Steel;
Pep Talks and True Greatness
I cannot explain how lucky and fortunate it is for someone to be born and grow up in America. The doors that are already opened to people here, the vast array of alternatives that are available to even those with the very least, the sheer abundance of everything in America is exhilarating, confusing and at times, quite frightening. America was [and is] like a fairy tale – name it and it is right there on the shelf waiting to be taken home. With this in mind, another part of my inspiration comes from my perspective as an immigrant from a country whose privileged few did not have much more than America's most needy.
America herself is my inspiration. She inspires me to remain humble, remember my roots and hope that I never become so jaded as to forget how fortunate I am to now be considered an American and have complete access to everything (and everyone) that this incredible country has to offer. Consider this from your own point of view and then again through the eyes of a new American immigrant.
The very nature of America makes people nicer, it makes people give of themselves to others, whether they know them or not. No where else on earth (at least in my experience) do people care about strangers as much as they do in America. Think about it, on any given day all over this nation, there is some type of charity event taking place – an event that probably entails some kind of donation, usually a donation from an individual, one that might be matched by the individual's company. Distill this example and it means that every day, thousands if not millions of Americans are giving of themselves to help those less fortunate. This does not happen in other countries, and to the extent that it happens all the time in this country, I like to refer to “charity” as an American art form.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you decide to write a chapter in Inspired Entreprenuers?
Beth Caldwell told me about a book project. Beth is like a female version of my husband Scott and I told her, “I am nobody special, besides I can't even write in English.” I thought for awhile, and Scott kept asking me if I wanted to write this book. I kept saying no until he told me that he told Beth that I would do it. So we sat down together and I dictated my story to Scott and he translated it into a readable version. It was very difficult to tell my story, because my story is so unimportant and plain and boring. Life is tough, get over it, deal with it and move ahead. Just try to enjoy life more today than you did yesterday.
What is the book about?
Most Inspired Entrepreneurs share the following qualities: They create successful businesses centered on their unique passions. They see work as a vehicle for expressing the very best of their talents. They make profit without “selling out” on their principles. They aim to create a “lifestyle business” so that they can enjoy freedom and flexibility. They use the work as a vehicle to make a positive contribution in the world. They believe that work is an adventure to explore their potential.
What is special about the book?
The book is a collection of stories from inspired entrepreneurs. Sure there are literally thousands of books out there. This one has powerful stories from truly amazing women who are just like you and me and best of all proceeds will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Why should people buy the book?
Buy the book to learn about 20 inspirational women. Buy the book
and decide to write your own inspirational story. Buy the book to sell at fundraisers. Buy the book to donate to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. In all humility, you should really buy this book.
Why are proceeds going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation?
For over a year, I have donated 100% of my tips to Make-A-Wish. My son who is now 7 spent the first 2 months of his life in the NICU and I am always scared and more than a little thankful that he is healthy and happy today. In April he got sick and was in a coma in ICU for almost 3 weeks and now he is perfectly fine once again. But I cannot help to think about all those little kids (and their parents) who are not as lucky as me. Those kids are so incredibly strong, much more so than me. They stare fear, pain, sorrow and death in the face and they are able to smile and dream. Make-A-Wish allows me to help bring that smile to a child's face, and to their parents heart. I just wish I could do more but just remind everyone that each book will help another child's dream come true.
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Inspired Entrepreneurs
A Collection of Business Triumphs in Business and in Life
by Eva Kerschbaumer
Author: Eva Kerschbaumer
Price: $16.95
Size: 5.25 x 8 inches
Pages: 205
ISBN: 145283170X
Publishing Company:
PA Family Publishing: May 2010
Available at: and
ESSpa Kozmetika Organic Spa & Skincare
About the Cause
From July 1, 2010, through December 31, 2010, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Inspired Entrepreneurs will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.