Your New Years Resolution

The latest news, comments, thoughts and ideas about and from ESSpa Kozmetika

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ESSpa Kozmetika
Jan 06, 2009
3:41 PM

Hey come on, we all want to be healthy and happy right? Well, insted of making a resolution you can't keep, make one with ESSpa that is simple and actually enjoyable. By making a resolution to take care of your mind, body, and soul, you will affect your whole outlook on life. You must take care of your mind by taking time out for yourself everyday. You can do this by taking a jog, stretching at your desk, or even take a long hot bubble bath at night. This will keep your mind energized and ready for any kind of task.

To take care of your body, you must eat right, exercise, get enough rest. You must also take care of your muscles, skin, and nails regularly. You can do this by getting a massage and facial every month and a manicure/pedicure every two weeks. It will make your mind and body feel good and look good.

Lastly, to take care of your soul, you have to commit to a variety of things. Surround yourself with positive people, learn somthing new, (try learning the Hungarian language)and do everything stated previously. At ESSpa, we strive to help better the community starting with mind, body, and soul. Join in with ESSpa and start your New Years Resolution now.

Last Edited on Jan 06, 2009 3:57 PM

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