
The latest news, comments, thoughts and ideas about and from ESSpa Kozmetika

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Marie Presto
Aug 13, 2012
4:36 PM

Dear Eva,

Thank you or the opportunity to share some of my thoughts concerning Esspa. To begin with, the atmosphere you and your staff have created is extremely conducive to a relaxing and non-threatening experience. The beauty and cleanliness of the spa makes entering the spa a joy. This euphoria is only enhanced by the smiling and friendly faces greeting you behind the front desk. As you are offered a beverage and assured your service provider will be notiied of your arrival you begin tohave the sense of family and not of business. You never allow anyone to enter your home without a greeting and the offer of refreshhment( well at least not if you are European); so too, when you enter Esspa you receive the same familial treatment.

The services are always done with professionalism and care. Although I am disappointed that I may not have the provider of choice, I am always treated with respect and care.

The product displays are lovely and well stocked. Here is an area I believe your clients might benefit more. The world of beauty is overloaded with products. Why have you chosen the products you use and sell? Might mini workshops be helpful? Perhaps a receptionist well versed in the individual product lines to share information and client opinions. Even comments from clients about perticular products on your web site would help.

A consultation followed with a perscription and a follow-up would help clear the muddy waters related to products and what is right for each of us.

Another area where you might offer support is in the emotional area. The experience of your spa is lovely and for the most part physical in nature. Invovling the emotion component could only enhance the experience. Femal presentations and workshops to work on the inner beauty and appreciation of the inner beauty would be wonderful.

Esspa is a center for family care and femal beauty, but it could be a center for growth as well.

Marie Presto

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