Customer Service Comments

The latest news, comments, thoughts and ideas about and from ESSpa Kozmetika

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Aug 14, 2012
1:47 PM

I would like to agree with some of the topics posted and then provide some additional comments/suggestions.

First, I think the overall experience at Esspa is very, very nice. It is generally quiet, peaceful and clean. The service providers are generally good.

Second, with regard to access, I agree. It has become increasingly difficult to obtain an appointment. I have only been successful when I have the luxury of going mid-week, mid-day and booking at the last minute.

I have been a bit put off by a couple of things. Last time I was there, I was on my way out after a pedicure and in the waiting area, Eva was straightening up. I looked up to say hello and was ignored. She may be shy; she may have been having a bad day. That said, I know she is the owner and would have expected her to say hello, ask what I was there for, how did I like it, and ultimately thank me for my business. I was rather surprised. It will not keep me from going back but I don't think this represents good customer service.

The pedicure I had that day was terrific and I enjoyed it. However, I was seated next to a seasoned service provider who was teaching a new person about the protocol of providing a pedicure at Esspa by giving that person a pedicure. I thought that this kind of training ought to be given off-hours or in private.

Thanks for soliciting the feedback. I think it is a positive development.

Aug 15, 2012
11:12 AM

I appreciate your desire to seek feedback. ESSPA is the best spa I've ever visited and the treatments helped me to deal with a severe chronic illness I was expereincing. Over a year ago, however, after paying for a massage in advance (it was a same-day special and I was told what to pay and payed it), I was in the dressing room, half unclothed after my massage, when a staff member came back to the changing area and RUDELY informed me that I hadn't payed the correct amount. She stood there as if I was expected to dash out half naked to correct the payment, and I literally had to tell her "I'll come out after I'm dressed" before she would leave! Since then I haven't felt as comfortable coming to ESSPA and I've shared the reason with some friends of mine (I used to recommend your place). Spa treatments call for sensitivity, Eva-we are in various states of undress for our treatmens, we are wanting to feel safe enough to relax, we are often in need of some "escape" from the rough and tumble, so to speak. I wish I remembered the name of the staff member-she may still be there and if and when I come I'll get her name if she's still there. I didn't know how to bring it up and as I said I was going through a severe illness that limited what I chose to take on. I hope you address this need for sensitivity with clients in a spa atmosphere. Thanks!

Aug 15, 2012
11:26 AM

Many of your staff,they are kind, but some of them are not too respectful, I mean, does having a good quality spa mean you are not respectful of certain customers who all are basically paying for the services that keep you in business? Staff should be ready for different kinds of clients.If a staff is "having a bad day", then maybe they needs to stay home, as there isn't any room for that kind of thing in a spa business-there needs to be at least the most basic courtesy for folks coming in for treatments that are supposed to promote health and relaxation; we can get bad customer service anywhere-part of what clients are looking for is to just be treated nice...

Aug 22, 2012
6:28 AM

Dear DER, Anonymous and Pria,

Thank you so much for sharing all of your experiences, thoughts and comments with me. Every day I set out to try and make better than yesterday. And I will continue to try and ensure that not just me (sometimes it is hard for me to always be "the owner/hostess") but every single person who works for me and represents me does so in a respectful and sensitive way - with every single guest, every single day. You all have been so gracious to honor me with your business, the least I can do is try and meet the standards that I would expect to receive myself.

Thank you again for taking the time to respond to my request for your comments - each of you have provided invaluable feedback that will help me make what we do at ESSpa better tomorrow than it is today.

Eva Kerschbaumer
Founder/Owner/Cleaning Lady

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