Update - Wednesday 5/5 @ 7pm

A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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Kristian's Dad
May 05, 2010
4:12 PM

HE IS MOVING. What a great day so far. Kristian has really come a long way today.

About 20 minutes ago, the doctors took Kristian off the medicine that they were using to keep him paralyzed so he would not tear out all of his tubes and IVs. And about 15 minutes later, the little trooper's eye fluttered open to see his mommy standing over him. Now you might imagine that he was not very happy about all the tubes and stuff so after a slight increase in his sedatives and a soothing suggestion from mom, he closed his eyes, stopped struggling and drifted back to sleep. BUT HE IS NO longer paralyzed. The proof is that he is holding and squeezing our hands right now - with a little tear every now and then too.

We are hoping that he can remain stable like this (they have him in restraints so he cannot pull his tubes out) because in addition to taking him off the paralyzing medication, the docs were able to lower his ventilator pressure and the percentage of ventilator assisted oxygen.

His lungs are still under seige from the infection (or perhaps a better statement would be to say that the infection "fort" is now under seige from Kristian - and the battlements are showing signs of weakening).

Pray for a stable, uneventful night and we will see what tomorrow brings.

Thanks for your continued thoughts.


Riley Collins
May 05, 2010
4:38 PM

Hi Kristian. I hope you are getting beter. We miss you
at school. Every buty is thinking about you. I pray for you.Love your friend Riley

May 05, 2010
5:41 PM

Dear Kristian,

You don't know me but I have gone to your Mom's spa and when I saw the note from your Dad that you were sick I told lots of people so they would pray for you and send get well wishes. I think that really helps. My nephew Matt was in Children's Hospital just like you. And he got better just like you. Try to listen to the doctors and your Mom and Dad and I know very soon you will be able to go home. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers so that you get well very quickly.


Emily Shelestak
May 05, 2010
5:47 PM

Hello! My name is Debbie Shelestak Emily S. is in class with Kristian and they also go to the same bus stop. She and our whole family pray for a super speedy and full recovery. Emily says she misses you Kristian and hopes you feel better. God Bless You and Jesus loves you!

Jeff Hadley
May 05, 2010
6:55 PM

Dear Kerschbaumer Family,
I am Mr. Hadley, 5th grade teacher at O'Hara. I want you to know that I am thinking about you and your precious son Kristian. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I am very happy to hear that today was so positive for Kristian. Have a great night! If there is anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask. My prayers are with you!
Mr. Hadley

Deane Petzel
May 05, 2010
7:09 PM

Kerschbaumer Family,

We have you in our thoughts and prayers.

With Love,
Tony and Deane Petzel

Nate Lazzara
May 05, 2010
7:53 PM

I miss you at school, Kristian! You missed a really boring test! My mom, brother and sister said lots of prayers for you tonight! I am sending a lego set your way so you have something to play with when you feel better! Come back soon!

Your Friend,

Nate and the Lazzara Family

Pegi garber
May 05, 2010
8:27 PM

Hi Kristian!
My name is Meggie. I have been talking to many Healing angels about you, asking them to visit you and hold your hand and watch over you while you continue to get better, especially when Mommy and Daddy must go eat or get some rest for themselves. Someone will always be there helping you to keep fighting and to get better and better!
I have also been sending some long-distance healing Reiki to you and saying prays for you. I am so happy to hear you are getting better each day! I want you to be a strong boy and continue to get better each day so we can see your smile and hear your laughter again soon. I know you can do it!
As Im writting this, my little grandaughter, Emma, who is only 6 -1/2 months old, is upstairs in her crib, at my house, sleeping peacefully. (my little granddaughters take turns having sleepovers at my house sometimes so we have "special" time together.
Anyway, I wanted you to know that there is another grandma here who loves you and is sending lots of LOVE and positive energy to you as you recover.
PS ...And big hugs for mommy and daddy too!

May 05, 2010
8:27 PM

Eva , Scott and Kristian , you have all been in my thoughts and prayers daily. The last update was great news. I hope the night goes better than you even expect! With thoughts prayers and well wishes~ kris

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