Update - Thursday 5/6 @ 2am

A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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Kristian's Dad
May 05, 2010
11:25 PM

I guess I got a little too cocky with my exuberance, excitement and need to share Kristian's progress over the last 12 hours. Because his oxygen levels just crashed and a team of doctors has just taken over his room to see what they can do to fix the situation. The hope is that his breathing tube is simply placed too low in his lungs (remember that the infection has built a fort in the lower half of his lungs and I guess they are trying to stage a counter-attack) and they are going to adjust its position higher.

Hopefully that and a bit more sedation so he can rest will allow Kristian to continue progressing without falling backwards too far and have to start all over with a high-pressure oxygen treatment and being paralyzed once again.

I am sorry for getting everyone's hopes up too soon and I hope that this update is also obsolete very soon. I am on my way back to the hospital (Kristian wanted his mommy to spend the night).

Update at 2:27am - The tube adjustment did not fix the oxygen issue and they just had to paralyze him again so we are back into the woods of a unconcious, unresponsive little boy. I apologize for getting your hopes up too soon. We were just sooo excited to see his eyes opened and him answering our questions. He just doesn't have enough energy to keep going on his own yet. YET.


Last Edited on May 05, 2010 11:30 PM
Tonja Condron
May 06, 2010
4:21 AM

Scott, Eva and Kristian,
It is going to be a long road to get those lungs clear. Think of it as little plugs down there and when he moves they slide around and plug the areas where the O2 needs to go. TIll those get a chance to mostly clear, there will be a lot of these events. The most important thing to remember is that he is in there, he can feel your presence and hear your voice so continue to talk to him, soothe him and let him know he will get better and that it is ok, the tubes are there to help him and they will go away. Read to him, tell him the weather, sing (softly) got that scott :-) Please tell him that we love him and tell him we look forward to seeing him at the pool. Hang in there and we are here if you need anything. Lots of love. Tonja, Al and kids!

Mrs. Gumto
May 06, 2010
7:49 AM

Hi Kristian,
I thought I would write you a little note while your friends are learning Spanish with Ms. Taylor in school. We miss you so much! Your classmates and I are sending you get well wishes for a speedy recovery. We want you to be talking, learning, and playing with all of us again soon. Listen to the doctors, just like you listen to me every day. You are an awesome listener, so I know you will. Sending you lots of hugs and smiles.

Alex Alexander
May 06, 2010
8:59 AM

Scott and Eva,
I wanted to let you know that Kristian is in my thoughts. He is such a beautiful boy. Jay is keeping me updated.

Alice Mullinary
May 06, 2010
9:41 AM

Scott and Eva, Abby and her friends lit a candle in church for Kristian last night. I have a strong feeling in my heart that he will have a full recovery. Childrens Hospital is the best. Medicine, love and faith are all very powerful. Take care of each other through this difficult time.
Alice and Abby

Nancy Wertz
May 06, 2010
10:13 AM

When you are with him tell him that his body knows how to heal itself. Remind him how he has gotten a cut and it healed. His body can heal itself and it is important to tell him this.

Holding healing for him and peace for you,

Ms. Greco
May 06, 2010
11:23 AM

Hello Kristian,
All of your"lunch bunch" friends and I miss you very much--especially that smile and laughter you always bring to the table! We'll save some "treats" for you! We're sending lots of get well wishes!

Wendy H.
May 06, 2010
2:15 PM

Dear Scott and Eva,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance.

Jenna Romito&Family
May 06, 2010
2:51 PM

Dearest Scott and Eva : You two are the sweetest and most genuine people I know. I hate to hear that you and your son are suffering like this. I am so concerned about your precious son and pray that God will heal him so he can be reunited with his loving parents. Hang in there and try to find some moments of peace. Lots of love to all of you and please tell Eva I said hello, she has always been such a joy to see when I visit the spa. I love you guys and I wait to hear some good news! Love, Jenna, David and Megan

Melanie Taylor
May 06, 2010
5:19 PM

As one who lives at a distance , I just want to say that there are many people pulling for your recovery, probably more that you'll meet in person. Just as your heart goes out to people and creatures that you see or hear about, you are now in hearts and thoughts.And there will be many BIG BIGsmiles when we all get the news that you are recovered.

Nancy Bolanis
May 07, 2010
7:03 AM

Scott, Eva, and Kristian,
You are in the thoughts and prayers of all the Bolani. Although it will
be a long road, I hope that each day brings him closer to the recovery that everyone looks forward to.

Deb Sales
May 07, 2010
2:34 PM

I was just let in the loop as to your family situation. Kristian is in great hands at the hospital and with you by his side. He's a stong little boy and he's lucky to have strong parents, friends, and teachers pulling for him. We can't wait until your final post when you get to take him home! Healthy and happy again.

Deb Sales
May 07, 2010
2:42 PM

I was just let in the loop as to your family situation. Kristian is in great hands at the hospital and with you by his side. He's a stong little boy and he's lucky to have strong parents, friends, and teachers pulling for him. We can't wait until your final post when you get to take him home! Healthy and happy again.

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