Kristian's Health

A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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Heitzenroder Family
May 07, 2010
7:04 AM

Our whole family wish your Kristian all the best our heart and prayers are with all of you. Sue and Gary Heitzenroder

Mrs. Zottola, Ohara
May 07, 2010
8:27 AM

Keeping Kristian in my thoughts and prayers.

Mrs. Zottola (Kristian's "car-rider" teacher).

May 07, 2010
10:44 AM

keeping Kristian and your family in my thoughts and prayers

Chrissy Albert
May 07, 2010
1:01 PM

Dear Kristian, Eva, and Scott,
I hope Kristian recovers soon. We are keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Chrissy and Brian Albert

Diana Ulrich
May 09, 2010
8:59 PM

Dear Eva and Scott,
Our family is praying for Kristian's recovery. Our daughter Amelia, is Kristian's classmate.

libby ernharth
May 13, 2010
7:44 PM

Glad to hear the good news. Have been thinking of you all and keeping you in our prayers. My boys wanted to make sure that Kristian knew that he won a very cool basket from O'Hara... They thought that would make him feel better. glad he is doing well--- libby, johannes, oskar, will and topher

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