Update - Friday 5/7 @ 8pm

A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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Kristian's Dad
May 07, 2010
5:08 PM

My apologies for not writing an update sooner but I didn't want to speak too soon (hopefully this isn't too soon).

At 3pm Thursday 5/6, Kristian was taken off (for the 2nd time) his paralyzing medication and turned over onto his back and he woke up. Because the last time didn't last very long, I didn't want to get everyone all excited with this and sure enough, around 8pm, he looked like he was going to fall back and need to be put under again. But after a couple of deep coughs and a few good chest PTs (where the nurse basically ounds on your chest with a soft rubber mask) to help loosen some of the more resilient bugs deep in Kristian's lungs - he cleared up a bit and was able to keep his oxygen levels up. He lasted through the night and today and this afternoon a very worried Grandmother Cyndie was able to fly up from Florida to see a fully awake (somewhat tired) grandson watching Spongebob Squarepants lying on his back and resting comfortably with a fairly stable oxygen level.

Kristian is still on a ventilator that is doing most of the breathing for him and he is still on some very heavy sedatives (too keep him from pulling out all of his IVs and tubes) but he is no longer deep under in an induced paralytic state and has been consistently alert for over 24 hours.

His lungs are still riddled with infection and he still has 3 tubes going down his throat and nose and he will need time to regain his strength and take over breathing from the ventilator but we are hopeful that the worst is behind us.

Through all of this, the rest of Kristian's systems and organs have remained strong and unaffected and we hope that he is able to keep any other infections from working their way into any other parts of his little body.

Keep those thoughts and prayers coming but I would also ask that you direct some of these prayers to PICU Rooms 508 & 509 as there are two little babies in those two rooms who look like they need much more help than our Kristian at this time. I do not know the names of these babies nor would I share them with you if I did but they are hooked up to much more invasive machines than is Kristian and need all the love and help they can get.

Scott Kerschbaumer

May 07, 2010
5:16 PM

great news i will sleep better tonight keep up the good work kristian, love to you all heather

Dara H
May 07, 2010
5:25 PM

Scott, thank you so much for the updates. I'm sure it is hard for you to find the time and energy to do them. We are thrilled with Kristian's recent steps in the right direction! Let's keep that going. You know that we will continue to pray for all of you. Please wish Eva Happy Mother's Day. She is a terrific mom. You both are doing such an amazing job under such stressful circumstances. Most importantly, the Henne boys want to know when Kristian wants to go back to Sandcastle? Peace and Blessngs, Dara

Therese Engelhardt
May 07, 2010
6:24 PM

Scott and Eva, I have been remembering you at Mass every day this week! Thank you God for all your healing power! I will be sure to include the little babies you mentioned too:-) Everyday is a blessing!

Kristian, keep fighting those germ bugaboos! You can beat them dude! Your mommy and daddy love you more than you could ever imagine! Much love and blessings, Miss Therese

Nancy B
May 07, 2010
6:30 PM

I am so happy to hear that Kristian's on the road to recovery. I pray for him and your family while you are going through this.


Robin Heiple
May 07, 2010
6:32 PM

Scott & Eva,
You all are in my prayers. So glad Kristian is improving. Will continue to pray, and thankyou for these updates! God knows the names of those babies across the hall, and I will begin to pray for them too! I can't imagine how hard this time as been for you all but will continue to pray that God not only touches Kristian but strengthens you as well.
Warmest regards and blessings

Lindsay Schlick
May 07, 2010
6:48 PM

It's so good to hear that Kristian is getting better. I continue to keep him and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

May 07, 2010
9:14 PM

I am so happy to hear that Kristian is doing better!!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you all. You are a beautiful family.

Cooper Munroe
May 08, 2010
5:44 AM

Eva, Scott and Kristian,

All my love, prayers and healing thoughts. I am thinking about you and please let us know if we can do anything at all. Love, Cooper and family

Nick and Lara
May 08, 2010
10:31 AM

Dear Kristian, we are enormously relieved by your progress and will continue praying for you. You and your family are always in our minds and hearts.
Love, Lara and Nick

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