Update 5/10; Out of the frying pan & into the fire

A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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Kristian's Dad
May 10, 2010
9:04 AM

Not much time to write this update. Kristian had another low oxygen experience this morning and now has the specialists VERY perplexed. His most recent x-ray showed the infection is significantly less (his lungs are almost clear) but his breathing has not returned to where they expect it to be.

So they are going to roll him downstairs for an MRI and Cat Scan to see if they have overlooked something that might be giving him problems and keeping him from getting better.

He is still a very sick little boy and Eva is giving me a hard time for my overly optimistic "happy videogames" updates.

I will let you know what the specialists say later.

May 10, 2010
6:55 PM

Scott & Eva- Still lots of prayers coming your way!!!

Again, If there is anything I can do, especially on Thursdays, please let me know!

May 10, 2010
8:24 PM

Scott and Eva, I'm staying current with your postings and have my whole family in prayer for precious Kristian. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

1 post
May 11, 2010
11:25 AM

Scott and Eva...
I hope that you are all having a better day today...
I know that the physicians are wonderful at Childrens. I hope the clinicians are able to find the cause of your son's health problems and find a treatment/cure to bring him back home to you very soon.

Dia G
May 11, 2010
12:13 PM

Angels are looking out for our little angel and he is getting better, one step at a time. He was up for Mother's day, so our first round of prayers got answered. He'll be well and out of the hospital soon, and we will look back and be grateful that it was just a phase, and it passed.

Sending Prayers, Love and Reiki,

Dia and Shobhit

Kristian's Dad
May 11, 2010
6:37 PM

What a day. Kristian is still in the ICU but this morning they took him off the ventilator and removed all of his tubes and almost all of his IV medications.

They still do not know why he was (and is) so sick and are monitoring to see if he can handle breathing on his own. He has a cat-scan scheduled for the morning to rule out any more severe conditions such as a clot or embolism that might be hiding somewhere.

PS - I think that the baby in room 509 is getting better too (that makes both 508 and 509 - and 507 are on the mend, hopefully).

BTW - Eva will be on the KDKA TV-2 News tomorrow (Wednesday 5/12) @ 5pm talking about proper summer skincare and sun protection.

Talk to you soon - thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Scott "he is starting to get on the nurses' nerves" Kerschbaumer

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