Update 5/11 - Look Ma, No More Tubes!

A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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May 11, 2010
6:44 PM

What a day. Kristian is still in the ICU but this morning they took him off the ventilator and removed all of his tubes and almost all of his IV medications including the major narcotic sedatives. At 4pm he was able to sip his first drink in over 13 days. They want to wait for awhile longer before letting him eat in case they have to re-intubate him.

They still do not know why he was (and is) so sick and are monitoring to see if he can handle breathing on his own. He has a cat-scan scheduled for tuesday morning to rule out any more severe conditions such as a clot or embolism that might be hiding somewhere because his breathing is somewhat labored and chunky at times so we are still in "hedgerow country".

PS - I think that the baby in room 509 is getting better too (that makes both 508 and 509 - and 507 are on the mend, hopefully).

BTW - Eva will be on the KDKA TV-2 News tomorrow (Wednesday 5/12) @ 5pm talking about proper summer skincare and sun protection.

Talk to you soon - thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Scott "he is starting to get on the nurses' nerves" Kerschbaumer

May 11, 2010
7:17 PM

how exciting to see such an improvement in Kristian what a long exhausting 12 days you have had you need a vacation after this, great news on the other little ones too, sleep well.
xxx heather

Jenna R- Romito
May 11, 2010
8:04 PM

Yeah!!! Great news Scott! So relieved to hear he is on the mend. Wonder what this bizarre illness/virus was? How scary to not know what you are dealing with. Your son is such a little trooper, God Bless him! And Eva too....she is able to be on TV in the midst of all this anxiety, and do a GREAT job, I might add! I love you guys and cannot wait to visit the spa again soon....I need some summer skincare tips from the best that Pgh. has to offer! May God continue to heal your little one! Love--The Romito's :)

Judy Haus
May 12, 2010
4:57 AM

How wonderful to hear the news. Kristian must be so happy to have all the tubes etc. out. I continue to pray every day and the prayer group does too.
Thanks to the internet I can see Eva do a fantastic job on KDKA while living in Florida.
Love you,
Judy Haus

May 12, 2010
5:40 AM

What great news!!! We will continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

Tonja Condron
May 12, 2010
6:34 AM

That is the BEST news!!!! We will continue to pray that he remains strong and gets out of there soon!!!!
Tonja , Al , and the kids!!!

Mrs. Gumto
May 12, 2010
8:51 AM

Hi Kristian,
I am so happy to hear that you are listening to those doctors and nurses and not giving them a hard time. =) Great progress . . . keep it up!!
I just met your mom at the spa because I made a delivery for you, and your mom and dad. I am sure you will see it soon!
Lucy dropped off the "living organism" you planted at the spa over the weekend for your mom for Mother's Day. Do you remember what you planted? Well, it sprouted! We miss you at school and want to see you soon.

May 12, 2010
8:58 AM

This is wonderful news. Thank you for the updates and we will continue to pray for continued improvement!

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