Update - 5/13, BYE BYE ICU!

A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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3 posts
May 13, 2010
1:08 PM

When the good starts flowing it turns in to a river of happiness. With a smile on his face (just a tad less michevious than before April 28th), a very happy Kristian led mommy and grandma on a tour of Childrens' Hospital as he finally bid farewell to the Intensive Care Unit and his attending physicians for the past two weeks.

Mr. Kristian has now retired to a lovely suite on the eighth floor with a (fairly incredible) view of Downtown (eat your heart out Fairmont guests), room service and on-demand movies. While he might enjoy staying here for awhile, mommy and daddy are anticipating his return home sometime in the next few days. At this point, Kristian's lungs have regained much of their oxygen capabilities, the pneumonia (still no idea what caused it) has subsided and all that is left for him to do is to wean off and reduce his remaining medications from his ICU captivity. The lung specialists have taken over as the primary team responsible for Kristian's immediate health and he will be undergoing a battery of tests to determine if there is something else that might have gone unnoticed and caused Kristian to get so sick for so long.

On behalf of Eva, Kristian and Fritz the Cat - I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every single one of you who considered even the briefest of thoughtful prayer on Kristian's behalf. Your participation and help made the difference in Kristian's recovery and we will never forget it. Hopefully our next update will be in a few days when we are checking out and on our way to Ichiban at the Waterworks (now that he got the brownie, he really wants some hibachi chicken and noodles - go figure!)


May 13, 2010
2:16 PM

way to go kristian even tho this has been the most horrible time for you and your parents i am going to miss these updates, i have only met you at moms salon but over these last couple of weeks you have entered so many hearts and touched our lives too, continue to get stronger every day and you will be going to get those chicken and noodles really soon.
heather xxxx

Barry Nicholson
May 13, 2010
3:43 PM

So glad to hear it, Scott! God is Good!

Jen Burkett
May 13, 2010
3:44 PM

Absolutely thrilled to hear that Kristian is "moving up" and soon "moving out" of Children's. As horrible as this experience has been for you - what a blessing that you live in Pittsburgh surrounded by some of the world's top medical facilities and professionals. K has been on my mind and in my prayers since your first email and I hope you have felt the support of customers (now friends) lifting you and your family up. I'm certain that K's hibachi dinner will become a meal you never forget. God Bless you all and praise God for His healing hand on little K. I certainly think after this, Eva needs her own day of spa pampering too! Thank you for letting us into your world and allowing us to become friends.

Jen Burkett

May 13, 2010
3:51 PM


May 13, 2010
4:23 PM

SO happy to hear the good news!

1 post
May 13, 2010
4:32 PM

So glad to hear, "you've moved on up the 8th floor" It's all good from here. You keep getting better and we'll keep on with our positive thoughts...you'll be home in no time...when you're ready for more brownies. have Dad give me a ring...I'd love to make some of my secret recipe brownies for you (my boys love them, I'm certain you will, too!)

Scott and Eva...thanks so much for sharing with us...I can't wait to see you both back at the Spa and Kristian having a wonderful summer!


Dia G
May 13, 2010
4:38 PM

Yay! Way to go, Kristian! So glad you are feeling better, dude! Counting the days till you get that Hibachi dinner of yours.



Riley Collins
May 13, 2010
5:28 PM

hi kristian.I hope you feel better. I'm so glad to hear that you moved to a diffrent room. I bet you were happy to eat a browne. You were probly starving. I hope you come back to school soon and get to go to ickibon!
Love Riley

Jenna Romito
May 13, 2010
6:05 PM

What wonderful news Scott.....glad to hear all are doing much much better! So, was that the final DX : pnemonia? Wonder why they did not realize this initially, or was this just the "fail-safe" diagnosis when they were just unable to determine what really went on? In any event,I am so happy for all of you! How great to hear you are all preparing for a yummy meal out. May you and Eva and Kristian have a wonderful time...you all deserve it! Love you--Jenna :)

Judith Focareta
May 13, 2010
6:22 PM

I am so happy to hear this news. I will pray for Kristian's continued and full recovery.

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