Scott and Eva, Thanks so much for sending your first email requesting prayers, and for your follow-up email today. I called the Spa yesterday to ask about Kristian. I had asked a group I'm involved with, OneHeart, to send their best loving energy, light, and love to Kristian for a speedy recovery and to both of you. I have no doubt that prayer, meditation, and heartfelt good wishes affect positive change of all kinds.
I'm sorry someone felt it wasn't appropriate for you to send an email through your business about Kristian. I am a business owner and I do understand and appreciate that you let us know. I was not offended by it in any way.
I just want you to know that I am continuing to pray for Kristian's full recovery and for greater peace and well being for both of you.
Thank you so much for allowing me and others to be of service to your family.
Warm, heartfelt wishes, Deborah Barr