A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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4 posts
May 14, 2010
12:00 PM

Yes its true, its true (try to say that without thinking about Madeline Kahn in "Blazing Saddles") -

At around 10am Friday Morning 5/14, Kristian received a clean bill of health from the chief pediatric lung specialist at Children's Hospital and just like that, we were able to pack up his things (you have no idea how much stuff a 7 year-old can accumulate in a couple of weeks) and leave for home. The official cause is stated as "bacterial pneumonia" and it seems to have all cleared up (the doctor did say that he showed symptoms that were very similar to earlier cases of H1N1 but all tests came back negative so go figure). Kristian will be following up for some testing in a month just to ensure that there is nothing more chronic being overlooked.

While he is still just a bit wobbly in the legs (you would be too if you just spent the last two weeks unconcious in a hospital bed) Kristian's spirits have never been brighter and he is rapidly returning to his pre-illness, fun-loving, mischeviousness. He does seem to have grown up a bit too (asking me questions like "am I going to be in a wheel chair now" or "will my voice ever come back" and other beyond-his-years queries.

But all that is immaterial as the young man is now safely back at home on the couch tormenting Fritz the cat, playing with his Wii and getting ready for a big night-out with his classmates for the 7pm showing of Iron Man 2 at the Pittsburgh Mills. You are most welcome to join us if you are able as Kristian seems to be continuing in his father's footsteps of never letting a good reason for a party pass by.

In closing this particular chapter of Kristian's ordeal, allow me to say thank you to each and every single one of you who kept Kristian in their thoughts and prayers. You all have demonstrated that the most special thing in life are the friends that we have (even those who you may have never met before). May you all be blessed, healthy and happy beyond your wildest dreams.

Most sincerely,

May 14, 2010
12:12 PM

What a lovely surprise to read that Kristian will be sleeping in his own bed tonight with mom and dad close by,have a great time tonight.
heather xxx

May 14, 2010
9:51 PM

WELCOME HOME Kristian!!!

Judy Haus
May 15, 2010
4:29 AM

So happy to hear that you are home from the hospital. I hope that you enjoyed the movie and seeing all of your friends.
Stay well Kristian.
Judy Haus

Therese Engelhardt
May 15, 2010
6:14 AM

Welcome Home Kristian!!! Teddy Bear the Cat says not to torment Fritz too much! Teddy Bear also says that Fritz is delighted to have you, mommy and daddy home again:-) Cats HATE changes in their homes and fewer 'staff' members to take care of them. (Dogs have owners, but cats have staff you know :-))

God bless you all! Have a WONDERFUL time at the movie! Miss Therese

Jack Powell
May 15, 2010
11:55 PM

That's great news! Stay well Kristian.

Jack, Liz, Vera, Anna and Lola

2 posts
May 17, 2010
4:41 PM

So happy to hear the wonderful news! I hope you all enjoyed the movie with your friends and family, I know my boyys loved "Iron Man 2".

I'm sure Kristian, not only are you, but your parents as well, are thrilled to be home. Stay well.

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