
A virtual community to get updates on how Kristian is doing and share the love

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Maria Costello
May 14, 2010
12:18 PM

Oh Thank God!!!! :)
I am so so happy to hear the good... no great news! I have been thinking of all of you every day, praying for a quick recovery and wonderful escape home from the four walls of your hospital room.... I have lived within those walls far too many times and know how wonderful it is to have the familiarity, open air and comfort of your own bed. Isn't it great not to hear the dinging of those IV pumps anymore?! I couldn't be happier for you Kristian... we've had a candle burning in the hallway for you since your dad's first note, it's almost like you are part of the household already. Enjoy feeling better each and every day. I look forward to hearing you are out running in the park and playing again soon. WELCOME HOME!


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