Level 3 Reiki Master Session - 60min

Price: $109.00

Availability: in stock

Prod. Code: 60min Reiki Session

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a type of energy therapy. The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy.

Reiki is a type of energy healing. According to practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.

Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Reiki practitioners believe that improving the flow of energy around the body can:
- enable relaxation
- relieve pain
- speed healing
- reduce other symptoms of illness

Mikao Usui developed Usui Reiki Ryoho, the most current form of Reiki, in 1922. However, people have practiced Reiki for about 2,500 years. People also refer to Reiki as hands-on healing.

What happens in a Reiki session?
Practitioners typically give Reiki treatment in a peaceful, private setting. However, the treatment can take place anywhere. During a session, the client will sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a table, fully clothed.

The practitioner will then place their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the client’s head, limbs, and torso. They will typically keep their hands in these positions for around 3 minutes.

If there is a particular injury, such as a burn, the practitioner will hold their hands just above the wound.

Advocates state that while the practitioner holds their hands lightly on or over the body, an energy transfer takes place. During this time, the practitioner may report that their hands feel warm or are tingling. They will hold each hand position until they sense that the energy has stopped flowing.

When the practitioner feels that the heat, or energy, in their hands has gone, they will remove their hands and place them over a different body area.

Some Reiki practitioners will use crystals and chakra healing wands to enable healing or protect a home from negative energy.

This Session will last 60 minutes. You can choose longer or shorter sessions. The number of suggested sessions will vary, depending on what a client wishes to accomplish. Some clients prefer to have one session, while others have a series of sessions to work on a particular issue.